Resuming Operations – Associate Advisory Course ID: 62979 MCQ Question & Answers – Multiple Choices in iEvolve / Tfactor….
Here I am providing the valid answers for Resuming Operations – Associate Advisory MCQ – Question & Answers – Multiple Choices – Course ID: 62979 in iEvolve / Tfactor. Also Read – Payments 4.x – Final Assessment in T-factor (Tfactor)
Resuming Operations – Associate Advisory MCQ – Course ID: 62979 in iEvolve / Tfactor
who should i report to if there are any serious situations in my area? Select all applicable options.
- HR
- Supervisor
- IS
Which are the common contact points in office that requires sanitizing or washing your hands once you touch them? Select all that is applicable
- Lift buttons, Door Handle, Hand rail
- Common / shared telephone
- Printer
- Security desk
What kind of meeting should be avoided for preventing Covid-19 spread? Select all applicable options.
- Mass Gathering
- Physical team meetings
- Virtual meetings in teams app
- Meetings over call
What are the points to be considered at the time of reporting to office?
- Provide all requisite details in a self-declaration form before resuming office
- Nothing, as the office will take care of the requirements
- Remember to wear a mask. Carry your own water bottle, lunchbox and a sanitizer if possible
- Wear mask only, that’s enough. Rest will be available at office
Masks are essential to keep our nose and mouth covered so that we do not catch / spread the infection. It will be great if we can have 2 sets of reusable home-made masks ready for every family member. When should masks be used?
- Only when the police or security at gate is watching
- While starting from home till we reach back home
- While at office
- While using provided transport or any other transport
- While going to public places such as grocery shops, hospitals and so on
Washing your hands is one of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of coronavirus disease. Choose the correct way(s) for washing / cleaning hands:
- Using only sanitizer to clean the hands is a good practice
- Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for 20 seconds
- Washing hands with only water is enough
- Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water are not readily available
Which are correct ways of using and disposing the mask? Please select all applicable options:
- Ensure that the mask fits around your mouth & nose comfortably and there is no gap left between the face cover and the mouth.
- Avoid touching the mask while using it
- To remove the mask after use, hold it from behind & don’t touch the front of the masks
- Dispose used masks in designated waste bins only

Social distancing is very important and will help us stay safe. Where all should we follow social distancing? Choose all that is applicable.
- At building entrances, lifts, staircases, baggage scanning and access control areas
- In provided transport or any other transport
- In ODCs & meeting rooms, washrooms, pantry/canteen and so on
- At grocery stores/hospitals, roads and so on
It is very important to break the chain. Let us strive not to get infected and if infected not to pass on the infection. In case you feel feverish or have sore throat, cold or develop breathing issues etc. You should: (Choose all that is applicable).
- Take a paracetamol and come to office
- Stay at home and inform your supervisor and HR
- Do nothing. There is no need to worry as it is a minor issue and will be a common cold only
- Come to office and check with the OHC doctor as local doctors are not available
- Connect with your doctor and explain about the symptoms
Which is the correct process of remove of face mask?
- Grab from center and pull out the straps
- Pull down from the face
- Hold the sides without touching the center and remove the straps
- Can be removed as we like
There are some Do’s and Don’ts given in the below options. Select the correct options
- Don’t touch your face/nose/ear/eyes without washing hands
- Don’t cover your mouth while coughing and sneezing
- Do wear face mask while traveling out
- If you feel sick stay at home and consult a doctor immediately
What should you do to reduce the chances of you or others’ getting infected? Select all that apply
- Avoid going in groups and practice social distancing. Bring your own mugs/bottles/lunch box etc.
- Wash / sanitize hands before touching eyes, nose or mouth
- Wash / sanitize hands after touching common touch points such as door handles/knobs, lift switches, handrails, turnstiles etc
- Wash / sanitize hands before and after using water dispensers, coffee machines etc
- Share your accessories with others or use other’s accessories such as phone, pen, keys, book/documents, bags, chair etc. and when you are bored go to others workstation for a quick conversation
What are some of the symptoms of COVID-19? Select all applicable options;
- Fever
- Cold and Dry Cough
- Breathing Difficulty
- Sore Throat
How should you dispose a used face mask at office?
- Use waste bins designated for face mask
- Dispose in the waste bin
- Dispose at washroom
- Any option is fine
When are you supposed to keep yourself in self quarantine / refrain from coming to office?
- You are residing in COVID-19 hotspot
- You had a history of travel to hotspots
- Your family member or close contact is confirmed of having COVID-199 infection
- I don’t have any illness now. I can come to office until i have symptoms
Resuming Operations – Associate Advisory MCQ – Question & Answers – Multiple Choices – Course ID: 62979 in iEvolve / Tfactor