Install Shareit for PC using Shareit Kcweb exe Software File, Shareit for Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 / MAC / Ubuntu Operating System and Shareit App Installation using Bluestacks Software…
Downloading contents into your phone or Personal Computer (PC) might at times be very difficult and expensive unless you have access to an internet connection such as Wi-Fi. With this in mind, an app that makes it easy for people to exchange contents has been developed.
SHAREit for PC is an application that makes it possible for people to exchange and transfer files across different operating systems and platforms without necessarily having an internet connection or Bluetooth connection. This app can be installed in any device that runs on Android (2.1+), iOS (6.0+) and Windows (XP, 7+, Phone and Desktop).
How to Install Shareit for PC using Shareit Kcweb exe file Software
Actually Share-it is a universal software or application for all Smartphones users and Personal Computer users. Lenovo Shareit is now available at Personal Computer. You can type “Shareit for PC” in google you will get the software named as Shareit Kcweb exe file. Here we will give the instructions to download Shareit Kcweb and How to Install Shareit for PC using Shareit Kcweb exe file Software. Guidelines are as follows….
- First of all download Shareit Kcweb exe file
- After you will install the Shareit Kcweb in your PC.
- Then Open the Shareit for PC software in your computer / laptop.
- Remember if you want pair your Smartphone / Tab please connect both are in Same Connection.
- After Scan the QR Code using your Smartphone.
- Next you will transfer the Files to your Mobile.

How to Install Bluestacks Software in Windows OS
Before you decide to install Bluestacks Software in Windows OS, it is important to meet the requirements that make this possible. Below are the requirements required for installing Bluestacks Software in your PC.
- You must be an Administrator on your PC.
- The PC must have 2GB of Random Access Memory(RAM)
- Your system must have Direct X 9.0 installed in it.
- There should be 4GB or more disk space for storing Android application or even games.
- An updated driver for you PCs graphics.
- Once you are done with downloading Bluestacks for Windows OS, follow the instructions below to install it in your Personal Computer:
- Open MSI setup up file by double clicking on it to start the installation process.
- Read all the terms and conditions contained in the file and accept it.
- Once you have accepted the terms in the License Agreement, click on “Next” to submit the results.
- Choose the location that you want to store the data and click on ‘Change’ option to make the necessary changes.
- Click on ‘Next’ once you have chosen the location.
- On the next page, click on ‘Install’
- Click on ‘Finish’ to complete the installation process.
- Once installation is completed, it is now possible to start using Bluestacks on your PC.
How to install Shareit App using Bluestacks Software
By using Bluestacks Software installed in your PC, it is easy to download and install Shareit on your PC and start enjoying faster transfer of content. To do this, the steps below will come in handy:
- Launch the Bluestacks Software on your PC.
- Once the home screen of the Software is open, type ‘SHAREit PC Application’ on the search bar.
- Click on the link that will appear as the search results. This action will initiate an action that will require you to Sync.
- Complete the Sync and any other related feature that may appear.
- Once you are done with this, login using your Google Account that should be active.
- Setup the two options displayed on the screen according to your preference.
- Once the setup is completed, locate SHAREit App from the search results of Play Store.
- Click on ‘Install’ to start the installation process.
- Accept the terms and conditions and click on ‘Next’ to complete the installation process.
- Wait one minute and SHAREit will be available for use in your Bluestacks Software.
How to Install SHAREit for PC for MAC OS / Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 OS?
How to Install SHAREit for PC for Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 OS?
Open your browser and use as the link for downloading SHAREit App. Once the website is open click on ‘Download’ button to start the downloading process. You will automatically be redirected to a different page on the site from where you will get the SHAREit App. On this page, choose the platform of your computer by clicking on ‘Download for Windows’ button. Wait until the application is fully downloaded and choose the preferred storage location for the file. Open the location you saved the file and select it by double clicking. Install the SHAREit App by clicking on it and start enjoying the features that it has.
How to Install SHAREit for PC for Mac OS?
Download the Andyroid Android Emulator Program from the official Andyroid website. Once you are done with downloading, install it on your Mac. Open the Andyroid App and login into your Google Account to download SHAREit from Play Store. Search for SHAREit for Mac OS on the Google Play Store search tab. After the App is fully downloaded, follow the prompts to install it in your PC. Remember to accept the terms and conditions that are listed.
How to Install SHAREit for PC for Linux OS and Ubuntu OS
Currently, SHAREit is not available for any laptop or desktop that is running on Windows or iOS. In order for you to install SHAREit for Ubuntu OS or Shareit for Linux OS, you must have software skills since it is not a walk in the park. The following process offers guidance on how to install SHAREit in PC for Ubuntu OS and Linux
- Install ARChon runtime software in your PC by downloading it from GitHub Link.
- Using ‘sudo apt-get install lib32stdc++6’ as the command extract the files contained in this software.
- In this step, install npm and Node.js that can be observed from the link. Installation can be made possible using the code below
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nodejs npm’
- Using ‘sudo npm install chromeos-apk –g’ as the format, install the tool on your PC. Download these Apk files from a trusted certificate to keep your PC safe from any viruses.
- Once the coding part is completed, run a command that will convert it when using Chrome. The following command will come in handy and help you do it easily.“chromeos-apk [path to apk] – archon”
- Once this command is applied, you will be able to get SHAREit from the home of the Ubuntu OS.
- On your Chrome browser, open the developer mode to proceed to ‘Extension’. This is made possible by clicking on ‘Load Unpacked Extension’ tab from where you will choose the extracted ARChon folder. Use this extension to load the SHAREit apk for an Android file.
- Click on ‘Launch’ to start up SHAREit for Ubuntu OS.